How To Stop Driving Yourself Nuts
Should I Ask Him To Marry Me?
Not asking = No rejection. Is that worth it?
5 Ways To Help With Too much Empathy
You’re in a car with someone who is in a bad mood. They’re not saying a word but you feel their misery so strongly that you would love to jump out. You’re watching television and that commercial with all of the scrawny dogs on a cold bare floor grips you as Sarah McLachlan sings “In The Arms of An Angel” for the kill shot. Do you often feel as if you’re going through someone else’s distress as if it were your own? While it is a great ability to feel the joys and sufferings of others, here are my top 5 ways to make your own feelings top priority. (Note,…
Soft Discipline
Soft discipline provides security without being a slave to structure.
Do You Believe In Soulmates?
I do, but……..I wouldn’t put much time into getting caught up in that thought. It leads to a long road of questions. Can we have more than one soulmate? Does finding one’s soulmate mean you’ll get together? Should we cross moral boundaries to be with each other because we’re “meant to be”? Does being with a soulmate equate to living out the rest of your lives together? If someone is your soulmate, should you sacrifice more to be with them? Is their happiness more of a priority than a partner who isn’t your soulmate? Think about all of the other more productive things you could be doing than thinking about…
How To Stop Obsessive Thoughts
There are numerous ways we can drive ourselves nuts, hence the entire category dedicated to this subject. I’m not even close to a professional but I can speak from experience. Yes, there are situations that require advanced treatment, even for a short amount of time. You’ll obviously want to follow the advice of the person you are entrusting your care to. This is something else. I’m referring to the breakups, financial issues, and losses that affect just about everyone at some time. And when these things are at the forefront of someone’s mind, it can be challenging to not only be unable to see the bright side of things but…